XOR problem with neural networks: An explanation for beginners

A L-Layers XOR Neural Network using only Python and Numpy that learns to predict the XOR logic gates. Predictions Through the Proposed Model (in terms of threshold values (t1, t2), and scaling factor (b)). As, out example for this post is a rather simple problem, we don’t have to do much changes in our original model except going for LeakyReLU instead of ReLU function.


The rest of the code will be identical  to the previous one. Just by looking at this graph, we can say that the data was almost perfectly classified. Also in the output h3 we will just change torch.tensor to hstack in order to stack our data horizontally. We can see that now only one point with coordinates (0,0) belongs to class 0, while the other points belong to class 1.

Perceptrons, Logical Functions, and the XOR problem

Now, this value is fed to a neuron which has a non-linear function(sigmoid in our case) for scaling the output to a desirable range. The scaled output of sigmoid is 0 if the output is less than 0.5 and 1 if the output is greater than 0.5. Our main aim is to https://forexhero.info/ find the value of weights or the weight vector which will enable the system to act as a particular gate. RNNs suffer from the vanishing gradient problem which occurs when the gradient becomes too small to update weights and biases during backpropagation.

Table of Contents

To calculate the gradients and optimize the weight and the bias we will use the optimizer.step() function. Remember that we need to make sure that calculated gradients are equal to 0 after each epoch. To do that, we’ll just call optimizer.zero_grad() function.

  1. The table on the right below displays the output of the 4 inputs taken as the input.
  2. One simple approach is to set all weights to 0 initially, but in this case network will behave like a linear model as the gradient of loss w.r.t. all weights will be same in each layer respectively.
  3. First of all, you should think about how your targets look like.
  4. We can see that now only one point with coordinates (0,0) belongs to class 0, while the other points belong to class 1.
  5. Artificial Intelligence aims to mimic human intelligence using various mathematical and logical tools.

How Backpropagation Helps in Solving the XOR Problem with Multi-Layer Feedforward Networks

It also improves the accuracy of models by leveraging knowledge learned from related tasks. The next step is to initialize weights and biases randomly. This is important because it allows the network to start learning from scratch. For the XOR problem, we can use a network with two input neurons, two hidden neurons, and one output neuron. ANN is based on a set of connected nodes called artificial neurons (similar to biological neurons in the brain of animals).

In the image above we see the evolution of the elements of \(W\). Notice also how the first layer kernel values changes, but at the end they go back to approximately one. I believe they do so because the gradient descent is going around a hill (a n-dimensional hill, actually), over the loss function. “Activation Function” is a function that generates an output to the neuron, based on its inputs. Although there are several activation functions, I’ll focus on only one to explain what they do. Let’s meet the ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) activation function.

Created by the Google Brain team, TensorFlow presents calculations in the form of stateful dataflow graphs. The library allows you to implement calculations on a wide range of hardware, from consumer devices running Android to large heterogeneous systems with multiple GPUs. We start with random synaptic weights, which almost always leads to incorrect outputs. These weights will need to be adjusted, a process I prefer to call “learning”.

The hidden layer h1 is obtained after applying model OR on x_test, and h2 is obtained after applying model NAND on x_test. Then, we will obtain our prediction h3 by applying model AND on h1 and h2. However, with the 1969 book named ‘Perceptrons’, written by Minsky and Paper, the limitations of using linear classification became more apparent.

Obviously, you can code the XOR with a if-else structure, but the idea was to show you how the network evolves with iterations in an-easy-to-see way. Now that you’re ready you should find some real-life problems that can be solved with automatic learning and apply what you just learned. XOR problem is illustrated by considering each input as one dimension and mapping the digital digit ‘0′ as negative axis and ‘1′ as the positive axis. Therefore, XOR data distribution is the areas formed by two of the axes ‘X1′ and ‘X2′, such that the negative area corresponds to class 1, and the positive area corresponds to class 2. Note that results will vary due to random weight initialisation, meaning that your weights will likely be different every time you train the model.

For simple problems like XOR problem, traditional feedforward neural networks are more suitable. For example, if we have two inputs X and Y that are directly proportional (i.e., as X increases, Y also increases), a traditional neural network can learn this relationship easily. However, when there is a non-linear relationship between input variables like in the case of the XOR problem, traditional neural networks fail to capture this relationship.

Here a bias unit is depicted by a dashed circle, while other units are shown as blue circles. There are two non-bias input units representing the two binary input values for XOR. Using the fit method we indicate the inputs, xor neural network outputs, and the number of iterations for the training process. This is just a simple example but remember that for bigger and more complex models you’ll need more iterations and the training process will be slower.

This is possible in our model by providing the compensation to each input (as given in our proposed enhanced πt-neuron model by equation (6)). We have considered the input distribution similar to Figure 5 (i.e., the input varies between [0, 1]) for each dimension. Results show that the effective scaling factor depends upon the dimension of input as well as the magnitude of the input. Therefore, our proposed model has overcome the limitations of the previous πt-neuron model.